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Z.H.Sun, Congruences concerning Bernoulli numbers and Bernoulli polynomials, Discrete Appl. Math. 105(2000),no.1-3,193-223. MR 2001m:11022,Zbl.0990.11008.

作者: 来源: 日期:2019/09/23 11:23:52 人气:

上一篇:Z.H.Sun, Supplements to the theory of quartic residues, Acta Arithmetica 97(2001),no.4, 361-377. MR 2002c:11007. Zbl 1049.11007.

下一篇: Z.H.Sun, The inverse matrices, spectral condition numbers and invertible conditions of cyclic matrices (Chinese), J. Huaiyin Teachers College 21(1999), no.3, 6-13.
